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Message Variables

Message variables are a way to dynamically adjust the content of your message based on the context. This is especially useful in responses to custom commands and interactive components.

To use a variable in your message just put {variable_name} where you want the value to appear. For example put {user.mention} in your message content to ping the user that has used a command.

Variables in Button Variables in response

List of Variables

usertextMention the user that has used the command or interactive component.
user.idtextThe ID of the user that has used the command or interactive component.
user.nametextThe display name or username of the user that has used the command or interactive component.
user.usernametextThe username of the user that has used the command or interactive component.
user.discriminatortextThe discriminator of the user that has used the command or interactive component.
user.avatartextThe avatar hash of the user that has used the command or interactive component.
user.avatar_urltextThe avatar URL of the user that has used the command or interactive component.
user.global_nametextThe display name of the user that has used the command or interactive component.
user.mentiontextMention the user that has used the command or interactive component.
servertextThe name of the server where the command or interactive component has been used.
server.idtextThe ID of the server where the command or interactive component has been used.
server.nametextThe name of the server where the command or interactive component has been used.
server.descriptiontextThe description of the server where the command or interactive component has been used.
server.icontextThe icon hash of the server where the command or interactive component has been used.
server.icon_urltextThe icon URL of the server where the command or interactive component has been used.
server.bannertextThe banner hash of the server where the command or interactive component has been used.
server.banner_urltextThe banner URL of the server where the command or interactive component has been used.
server.member_counttextThe approximate member count of the server where the command or interactive component has been used. (might be inaccurate)
server.boost_counttextThe boot count of the server where the command or interactive component has been used.
server.boost_leveltextThe boost level of the server where the command or interactive component has been used.
channeltextMention the channel where the command or interactive component has been used.
channel.idtextThe ID of the channel where the command or interactive component has been used.
channel.idtextThe ID of the channel where the command or interactive component has been used.
channel.nametextThe name of the channel where the command or interactive component has been used.
channel.mentiontextMention the channel where the command or interactive component has been used.
channel.topictextThe topic of the channel where the command or interactive component has been used.
cmdtextMention the command that was used.
cmd.idtextThe ID of the command that was used.
cmd.nametextThe name of the command that was used.
cmd.args.my_argtext / user / channel / role / attachmentThe value of one of the command arguments. Replace my_arg with the name of the argument. Depending on the type of the command argument this might have sub variables like for the id of a user.